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- Things to note when establishing a company in St. Vincent and the Grenadines -

As of May 17, 2022, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, as a member of the East Caribbean Confederation, have passed a draft legislation regarding the virtual stabbing business. Virtual asset-related business activities are not currently regulated as official regulations or guidelines for virtual asset-related regulatory laws have not been disclosed. However, we inform you in advance that it may be classified as a subject of regulation as the applicable law is enforced in the future.

After detailed legal regulations and guidelines are published, we plan to reorganize and guide you. A license system may be introduced after the virtual asset regulation law is enforced, so please refer to it before proceeding with the establishment of the company.


St. Vincent and the Grenadines - Guide to Establishing a Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Estimated time required (incorporation) :

5 business days after obtaining all documents

Saint Vincent and The Grenadines LLC will be incorporated five days after verification of compliance with the basic requirements of the Saint Vincent and The Grenadines company law and receipt of signed corporate documents.

Services include:

1. Certificate of Formation
2. Articles of Formation
3. Certificate of Exemption from Direct Taxes
4. Certificate of Exemption from Import Duties
5. Certificate of Good Standing
6. Officers Register
7. Members Register
8. Membership Certificate
9. Minutes (Organisational) [Resolution of the first board of directors of the corporation]
10. Operating Agreement
11. Company Search
12. Handling Incorporation Documents [Preparation and processing of incorporation documents]
13. Certificate of Translation for Driving License
14. Brief Business Advising
15. Providing Registered Address for 2 calendar years
16. Acting as the Agent for 2 calendar years
17. KYC/Due Diligence Test [Evaluation of customer suitability for incorporation]


Cost information:

Establishment of a limited liability company + 2 years of calendar training Administrative cost: USD 3,500 (View price in KRW)

Seker (Cyprus) bank account opening fee: USD 400  (View in Korean Won)

* Calendar Year means that the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the year is treated as one year based on the calendar.

* Annual service is based on calendar years according to local regulations. Accordingly, our company is providing the service at the above establishment cost, including the annual service period for the year of establishment and the following year.)

(From the 3rd year after establishment) Annual renewal fee: USD 1,950  (View in Korean Won)


Requirements and required documents for incorporation:

1. A copy of the shareholder/director's passport

2. Original fact authentication for the passport copy of the shareholder/director 
   - Korean passport: English passport copy certificate (issued by the ward office)     ( View sample )
   - Passport from other countries: Certified True Copy or Notarial Certificate      ( see sample  )
3. Two types of documents for the most recent (within 3 months) address in English for shareholders/directors (however, the address must be the same)
   - Residency in Korea: English certified copy (community center) + Scan the front/back of the driver’s license  ( View sample )
   - Residence in another country: Utility Bill + Bank Statement (or equivalent official document)   ( View sample )

4. Expert Recommendation (Request to write an expert recommendation letter)
   -  Those who can sign the letter of recommendation: accountant, lawyer, solicitor, tax accountant, labor attorney, administrator, insurance solicitor,
    Financial planner, financier, doctor, professor, employer, etc.  ( View sample )


5. Fill out the application for incorporation  ( View Application )

1. Submit the required documents for the shareholder/director to be registered:

2. Payment of establishment cost
3. Confirmation after confirming whether the name of the corporation is possible
4. Sign the incorporation document provided by our company and send it by international mail
5. Proceed with establishment after receiving documents
6. Incorporation

*If you wish to open an account after establishment, please contact us in advance.


St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- Guarantee Company Limited by Guarantee establishment guide

Estimated time required (incorporation) :

After obtaining all documents, it takes 5-10 business days

The establishment of Saint Vincent and The Grenadines Company will be completed 5-10 days after verification of compliance with the basic requirements of the Saint Vincent and The Grenadines Company law and receipt of the signed corporate document.

Services include:

1. Registration fees related to establishment and related government expenses
2. Representation of the founder of Guarantee Co., Ltd.
3. Articles of incorporation and registration at the registry office
4. Drafting company bylaws and implementing them as promoters
5. Minutes of establishment and organization meetings
6. Fill out the moving agreement
7. Certificate of Formation
8. Stamped Articles of Incorporation
9. Certificate of Exemption from Import Duties
10. Certificate of Good Standing
11. Register of Directors
12. Register of Members
13. Membership Certificate
14. Company Search
15. Handling Incorporation Documents [Preparation and processing of incorporation documents]
16. Certificate of Translation for Driving License
17. Brief Business Advising
18. Providing Registered Address for 2 calendar years
19. Acting as the Agent for 2 calendar years
20. KYC/Due Diligence Test [Evaluation of customer suitability for incorporation]  


Cost information:

Guarantee Co., Ltd. Establishment + 2 years of calendar training Management cost: USD 3,500 (View price in KRW)

Seker (Cyprus) bank account opening fee: USD 400  (View in Korean Won)

* Calendar Year means that the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the year is treated as one year based on the calendar.

* Annual service is based on calendar years according to local regulations. Accordingly, our company is providing the service at the above establishment cost, including the annual service period for the year of establishment and the following year.)

(From the 3rd year after establishment) Annual renewal fee: USD 1,950  (View in Korean Won)


Requirements and required documents for incorporation:

1. A copy of the member/director's passport

2. Verification of the original fact of the member/director's passport copy 
   - Korean passport: English passport copy certificate (issued by the ward office)     ( View sample )
   - Passport from other countries: Certified True Copy or Notarial Certificate      ( see sample  )
3. Two types of documents proving address in English (within 3 months) of the member/director (however, the address must be the same)
   - Residency in Korea: English certified copy (community center) + Scan the front/back of the driver’s license  ( View sample )
   - Residence in another country: Utility Bill + Bank Statement (or equivalent official document)   ( View sample )

4. Expert Recommendation (Request to write an expert recommendation letter)
   - Expert Recommendation:  Confirmation of customer relationship for more than 2 years from experts (accountant/lawyer/lawyer/tax accountant, etc.)  ( View sample )


5. Fill out the application for establishment  ( View Application )

1. Submission of required documents for member/director to register:

2. Payment of establishment cost
3. Confirmation after confirming company name availability
4. Sign the establishment document provided by our company and send it by international mail
5. Proceed with establishment after receiving documents
6. Incorporation

*If you wish to open an account after establishment, please contact us in advance.

세인트 빈센트 그레나딘 - 회사명 및 구성원 변경 안내
LLC 및 보증유한회사 동일)

회사명 변경안내

1. 절차 :
1) 희망하시는 회사명 제공 (최소 2~3개 제공)
2) 회사명 변경 인보이스 제공
3) 회사명 변경 비용 결제
4) 회사명 신청 가능여부 체크 및 법인명 변경 관련 결의안 준비
5) 결의안 싸인 스캔본 제공
6) 회사설립 초기에 고객분께 전달드렸던 법인등기 원본서류** 반송
7) 회사등기 원본서류 수령 후 회사명 변경 등기절차 진행

** 반송해주셔야 하는 원본서류 목록 :
1) Certificate of Formation [회사설립증]
2) Articles of Formation [설립조항 정정본]
3) Certificate of Exemption from Direct Taxes [직접세 면제증명서]
4) Certificate of Exemption from Import Duties [수입세 면제증명서]
5) Certificate of Good Standing [회사존속상태 증명서]

2. 서비스 포함내역 :
- 법인정관 변경
- 법인명 변경 관련 결의안 준비 및 등기

3. 서비스 비용 :
USD 900 (등기원본서류 반송비용 포함)

4. 예상 소요기간:

최소 3 영업일 (모든 서류 수령일로부터)

매니저(임원) 변경 안내

1. (신규로 취임 하시는 분의) 개인 구비서류(설립 구비서류와 동일): 


1) 여권 스캔(혹은 캡춰)본

2) 여권사본에 대한 원본사실인증 
    - 한국 여권: 영문여권사본증명서 (구청 혹은 시청에서 발급)     
( 샘플보기 )
    - 타국가 여권: Certified Ture Copy 혹은 Notarial Certificate      ( 샘플보기 )
3) 최근(3개월 이내) 영문 주소증빙 서류 2종류 (단, 주소지가 동일해야 함)
    - 한국 거주: 영문등본(주민센터) + 면허증 앞/뒤면 스캔  ( 샘플보기 )
    - 타국가 거주: Utility Bill + Bank Statement (혹은 이에 상응하는 공식문서)   ( 샘플보기 )

4) 전문가 추천서 (전문가 추천서 작성 요청하기)
    - 추천서에 싸인 가능하신 분: 회계사, 변호사, 법무사, 세무사, 노무사, 행정사, 보험설계사,
      재무설계사,금융인, 의사, 교수, 고용주 , 기타  ( 샘플보기 )    
샘플문서 다운로드(클릭)


5) 구성원 등록신청서 작성  ( 신청서 보기 )

​2. 추가 구비서류:

세인트빈센트 등기자료 및 회계 관련 자료 보관 주소지 정보

3. 서비스 비용:

건당 USD 700

4. 예상 소요기간:

​(싸인서류 스캔본 취득일로부터) 5영업일 

멤버(Member) 변경 안내

1. (신규로 취임 하시는 분의) 개인 구비서류(설립 구비서류와 동일): 


1) 여권 스캔(혹은 캡춰)본

2) 여권사본에 대한 원본사실인증 
    - 한국 여권: 영문여권사본증명서 (구청 혹은 시청에서 발급)     
( 샘플보기 )
    - 타국가 여권: Certified Ture Copy 혹은 Notarial Certificate      ( 샘플보기 )
3) 최근(3개월 이내) 영문 주소증빙 서류 2종류 (단, 주소지가 동일해야 함)
    - 한국 거주: 영문등본(주민센터) + 면허증 앞/뒤면 스캔  ( 샘플보기 )
    - 타국가 거주: Utility Bill + Bank Statement (혹은 이에 상응하는 공식문서)   ( 샘플보기 )

4) 전문가 추천서 (전문가 추천서 작성 요청하기)
    - 추천서에 싸인 가능하신 분: 회계사, 변호사, 법무사, 세무사, 노무사, 행정사, 보험설계사,
      재무설계사,금융인, 의사, 교수, 고용주 , 기타  ( 샘플보기 )    
샘플문서 다운로드(클릭)


5) 구성원 등록신청서 작성  ( 신청서 보기 )


2. 서비스 비용:

양수도 계약 건당 USD 700

* 2건 이상 진행되는 경우, 추가되는 양수도 계약건당 USD 200


기존멤버 A지분: 50%

기존멤버 B지분: 50%

이를 새로운 멤버 C와 D에게 각각 70:30의 지분율로 양수도를 진행 하고자 함.


(계약 1) A지분 50%를 C에게 양수도

(계약 2) B지분중 20%를 C에게 양수도

(계약 3) B지분중 30%를 D에게 양수도

총 계약건수: 3건

이 경우, 서비스 비용은 USD1,100 (700+200+200) 입니다.

* 멤버와 매니저(임원)을 동일 인물로 변경하게 되면 20% 할인 적용됩니다.

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